I am sick and tired of writing on the same subjects.
I would have preferred this week's article to be about the mystery of life at the bottom of the ocean.
But if and when you have to run to the safe room or the shelter in the basement upon siren alarms from morning to evening, when you have to stop your car when on the road and lie face down on the side – not to mention the problem of getting up for some of us-
And, on the other hand, to add salt to injury, the arrows of hatred and condemnation of the whole world are pointed at us,
it is not possible for me to think/write on any other subject.
On October 7th, 2023, the Hamas terrorist organisation, assuming that Israel was weakening from within, attacked the country from Gaza, where it had been ruling alone for the last 18 years, and inflicted on the Jewish nation the greatest atrocity and massacre it had ever experienced, excluding the Holocaust.
And as if that was not enough, it kidnapped 250 of its citizens, including babies, women, old and sick, most of them from their beds, and imprisoned them in the dark tunnels of Gaza.
As expected and as any sovereign nation would have done, Israel launched an operation in Gaza to rescue its hostages.
The Hezbollah terrorist organization in Lebanon, Hamas’s terror competitor, declared ‘we will not leave our brothers in Gaza alone’ and started firing rockets at us from the north.
It has been more than a year now, and Hezbollah is still firing more than a hundred rockets a day at Israel.
Hezbollah has fired tens of thousands of rockets into our territory, for thirteen months, including into the prime minister's bedroom. Eighty thousand Israeli citizens, threatened in the north, have fled their homes and have been refugees in their own country for thirteen months.
Mr. Borrell, foreign secretary of the European Union, are you not ashamed to condemn Israel for launching an operation against the terrorist organisation Hezbollah (Oh, sorry, you don't think Hezbollah is a terrorist organisation anyway!)
And you, Mr Guterres, the UN Secretary-General, when you refer to these events as a ‘spiral of violence’, do you not have a twinge of conscience?
Iran, the main actor in this adventure, has launched about five hundred missiles/rockets/UAVs at Israel in two instances in the last six months.
Dear, the ‘so-called enlightened’ world, which we call ‘Western’ but which actually includes countries such as Japan and Australia in the east, and who are watching this axis of evil, especially Iran,
Do you realize what is really going on?
Do you realize for example
That it was the first time in history that a sovereign country could launch up to five hundred rockets to another sovereign country;
That innocent civilians were unfortunately killed in Israel's Gaza operations -to rescue its kidnapped hostages- only because of Hamas' use of its citizens as civilian shields (the loss of life is very high and very unfortunate);
And that the Israeli army has done more than any other army in the world to avoid the loss of life of Gazan civilians (this is claimed not only by Israelis but also by foreign military experts);
That some employees of the UN's UNRWA organisation were murderers who personally killed many Israeli civilians during the Hamas massacre;
How the Hezbollah terrorist organisation has been waiting in the tunnels of Lebanon with all the ammunition it needs to prepare an attack on neighboring Israel.
And that for eighteen years, while Hezbollah has been making these preparations and from time to time harassing northern Israel for no reason, the U.N. Peacekeeping Force (Unifil) has been a bystander, (thus acting as an agent and supporter of Hezbollah)
Do you realize it?
The political elites of the West, the UN Security Council; you were silent when Hezbollah harassed Israel for 18 years for no reason whatsoever, but when the Israeli security forces started to neutralise Hezbollah terrorists in order to return their citizens in the north to their homes ,that was the time you started to speak out and blaming and condemning Israel? Do human rights exist only to protect terrorists?
Do you realize that Israel is fighting for its survival against the bloc led by Iran, which directly or indirectly supports fundamentalist Islamic terrorism?
Do you realise that in defending itself, tiny Israel is actually doing you, the ‘Western World’, a huge favour?
Don't you realise that while fighting against the dark forces, it is protecting your culture, civilisation and values?
Have you forgotten that the terrorist leaders Israel neutralized once killed your people too?
If you don't realise that as soon as Israel is finished, this bloc will start attacking you too, look around a little, for example at the Central African Republic, at what Seleka is doing.
Israel's greatest and true friend, the United States:
Can you be wrong from time to time?
For example, when you pressurise our prime minister (whom I am not at all in favour of) to ‘Don't go into Rafiyah’, and when you restrict Israel in the fight against a ruthless terrorist organisation (Sinwar could not have been captured without going into Rafiyah), just because of the coming elections, could you be wrong?
Do you realise that asking Israel for a ‘two-state solution’ when the vast majority of Palestinians not only in Gaza but also in the West Bank support and approve of Hamas and the 7 October atrocities is tantamount to asking for the end of this state?
Have you forgotten who rejected the proposals for a Palestinian state for years, which came to the agenda with the establishment of Israel - and which both Arafat and Abbas have in the recent past avoided at the last moment?
Don't you realise that until Palestinians stop educating their children in the triad of hatred, revenge and hate , a two-state solution will be the end of Israel?
Have you not read that the vast majority of Palestinians support Hamas - despite, or perhaps because of, the massacre of 7 October - and that one of the main articles of Hamas' charter is the elimination of the State of Israel?
In order for the Palestinian State to be established, first of all Arab children should be educated for peace and love.
But not before! (Just have a look at the UAE). It can be done.
The countries we call the West:
With its governments, its leaders, M. Macron, its academics and students in its universities, its international courts and organisations, its media,
Wake up. It is high time to side with the right side!
P.S. As for the latest situation with Iran, Israel has sent a message to Iran about its military power, as far as the United States allowed it. If Iran does not respond, the war that has been going on for more than 13 months may begin to move towards its end. Israel's failure to strike Iran's nuclear facilities could lead to bigger problems in the future. However, as far as it is understood, it is impossible for Israel today to undertake operations of this scale without the approval of the United States.