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Prof.Aaron Hanukoglu

Name, Surname : Aaron Hanukoğlu

Date and Place of Birth : March 29, 1943, Istanbul

Aliya Date : 1969

Marital Status : Married to Lea, they have two daughters: Liora and Milca.

Education : Primary and secondary school in Şişli Terakki Lisesi, high school in Atatürk Erkek Lisesi -High School for Boys. Graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine on May 29, 1967. Completed specialization in pediatrics in Ankara Hacettepe Hospital between 1967-69 and in Jaffa Zahalon Hospital in 1970-74.

Prof. Hanukoglu specialized in pediatric endocrinology at the University of Maryland, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, between 1986- 1988.

Profession : Pediatrician - children's diseases and endocrinology specialist.

CV : He served as an officer in the Israeli army between 1974-1976.

Worked as a pediatric specialist and deputy manager at E. Wolfson Hospital between 1976-1988.

He established and headed the Pediatric Endocrinology service at E. Wolfson Hospital between 1988-2011.

In 1989, gained the title of Associate Professor at Tel-Aviv University, Faculty of Medicine. In 2003, he was Deputy Head of the same Faculty.

He was awarded the “Yakir Haigud” price, the Israel Pediatric Endocrinology Association award, in 2018, for his contributions to pediatric endocrinology in Israel.

If available Works / Publications :

Since 1975, 93 research articles of Prof. Hanukoğlu have been published in many important medical literatures of Europe and the USA. Aaron Hanukoğlu co- produced and co-published his work and articles together with his brother, Prof.Dr. Israel Hanukoglu, who is a Molecular Biology Specialist.

In their research, the two brothers discovered deseases that emerged from a lack of active salt channels in the body, and published their work on the normal activities of salt channels in the body. The two brothers are among the most prominent researchers in the world on this subject.

The list of Aaron Hanukoğlu's publications is available on the scientist's personal website:

Despite his retirement in 2012, Aaron Hanukoğlu continues to work as an endocrinologist at the hospital and in the Maccabi health insurance.

Institutions Founded / Worked / Supported: He founded the Pediatric Endocrinology Section in E. Wolfson Hospital.

Outstanding and lasting contribution : Being one of the most important scientists of the world in his field, Prof. Aaron Hanukoğlu, together with his brother Israel Hanukoğlu, researched in the field of Medicine and Molecular Biology and made great contributions to both humanity and Israeli science with his discoveries.

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